1. While walking outside with the dog one morning the other day, a large hawk caught my eye about 20 feet above me. It coasted straight toward me and passed right over my head. With at least a 6-foot wing-span, it threw quite the shadow as it swooped on by. Interesting twist--it clutched a large fish in its talons, and the light of the morning sun made that fish just sparkle up there in the sky.
2. Also while walking the dog last week in the early morning light, I spotted a Bald Eagle floating waaay up against a blue blue sky. Even though the bird was far away, I could easily see that it was indeed a Bald Eagle, because every time it turned this way or that, the light from the rising sun caught the pristine white feathers of the head and tail just so, with a glinting wink right at me.
3. And after years of close observation, I have finally heard a Great Blue Heron. While running last week, I startled one from nearby on the riverbank and it flapped off with one or two massive pumps of those enormous wings. But as it went, it let out a loud pterodactyl squawk. Sorry big guy, did not mean to startle you.
4. So as the weeks fly by while I peck away at trying to find a new job in the middle of this hideous economy, I will try to stay focused and avoid a meltdown of an emotional nature. The natural beauty around here really does help.
It's almost like counting your breaths sometimes.
It will come.
Posted by: greavsie | November 04, 2008 at 03:18 PM
I know, I know. It's just that the news is soo dreadful re the economy.
so good to see you again!
Posted by: em | November 04, 2008 at 03:31 PM
There must be summat in the air, all these bloggers returning!
Welcome back, Em. Sorry to hear about the job difficulties but I'm sure that something wonderful will appear very, very soon.
If the US can elect a black president, anything can happen!
p.s. Thanks to the other Em for letting me know that you're blogging.
Posted by: Daisy | November 05, 2008 at 07:21 AM