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1. 'Jiffily'? Ah, a play on Jiffy..
2. You were getting your car 'lubed'? lordy!
3. We can never be in a car together. Actually, two road ragers might be funny, probably end up egging each other on...:-)

lou lou

ooooh em, you is back, and u was missed
welcome back

i too suffer from line rage. here in this god foresaken country they do not know what a queue is unlike blighty where everyone queues politely for the most part


People jumping queues is a long standing problem.

Southern Bird

Oh dear greavsie. You must be destroyed.

(hey em.. wb!)


aw, i love you guys! :-)

but don't chip in my line. serious consequences.

Southern Bird

Just like if you eat my last roast potatoe.
Now that means death.


I'm always the arsehole who says to the line jumping arsehole "Do you think it's *ok* to do that? You do know everyone else is waiting too, right?"

It's funny, but usually they get to the back of the line, even if they mumble "nosy git" under their breath. :)

And welcome back em :)


Have some patience Em! He probably had to get back to something important, like shooting Coors cans in his back yard.

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