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1. The BBC aka Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation aka Bu**ers Broadcasting Communism is just about as intrinsically lefty-biased as it's possible for a so called 'public' broadcaster to be.

Please please please don't think that it's balanced, it isn't!

2. I agree with the rest of your post, although it's not a phenomenon we are seeing over here yet.

3. Top ranting! :-)


Are you kidding colin? You may say the bbc leans. But you don't have to deal with FOX news. I generally go to the BBC news online for north american news because it seems to be just the facts to me.

Maybe they don't skew the US news because it's not part of the UK which they are based in. But BBC news seems more partial to me than most american news agencies.


Wedge - I've heard about Fox News, and I can't say anything about it with reference to US coverage. But over this side of the pond, Sky News is generally considered to be the most impartial.

The BBC has historically been considered to be almost apolitical, but in recent years, specifically under the ruling 'New Labour' Government, it has become increasingly 'Left' in its reporting bias on all manner of issues - Iraq, the EU and more.

Have a look at the BBC Newswatch site for more discussion about BBC News...


ok, ok, BBC isn't 'balanced,' Colin. It's *accurate.* I stand corrected. ;-)

Wedge, FOX News. I can only shudder.


Hmm, semantics....

I won't push my luck though, since I've virtually 'blog-squatted' in your comments :-)


I read "veteran insomniac" as "vegetarian insomniac" - and wondered if you spent your nights eating lentils or something...

And how does John Cusack come into the equation? Can he come into my equation too? ;)


witho, back away from my John Cusack and nobody gets hurt. ;-)


Okay, okay, I'll put my equation away. For now...


well, i guess i could be wrong about the BBC, but it seems ok to me. Fox news is basicaly Bush-tell-them-to-say-we-do-what-bush-likes-news-channel

And I think that I speak for all the guys when i say that you ladies can do what you wish with your equations. And, it would be perfectly fine if your equations added up together. ;P


I can't agree more on the pharmacist "moral minority" group issue.

As applies to everyone else: if your value system prevents you from doing your job it's time to look for a new field, not the nearest national news outlet for eternal martyrdom status...


I'm rarely roused but if it's not the Royal Family it's Religious Fascism today.

OOohhhh where's that second gear....

Johnny the Horse

That's blown my planned trip to America for thoughtless fun/rape/incest.

I got a letter from the local book selling people and my stuttering mafia book has arrived!


oh you are going to like that! the book, that is...


For the information of other Americans, the BBC is *not* generally considered particularly leftie-biased here, except by the sort of constituency who in the US call CNN the "Communist News Network"; it recently got into trouble, for instance, for including pieces by armed forces broadcasters without mentioning that little detail, and statistics indicate that it published an unusual number of stories in support of the invasion of Iraq.

Generally, Channel 4 News is considered the best. Sky News, while surprisingly good for a Murdoch channel, particularly recently, is still a Murdoch channel.

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