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Live, Learn and Remember but don't exist there as the saying goes.


I had omens, although the primary incident was a bit too large and outspoken to count as any sort of metaphor for my potential marriage. As I was getting ready for the rehearal dinner, my sister came to my house, hauled my ass out of the shower and said, "DO NOT MARRY THIS MAN! He is an emotional vampire who will suck the soul out of you!"

I absolutely hate that she was right.


sisters have way don't they?

nice phrasing Legomen. I'll do just that. :-)


Yes, I agree. I don't think bee stings or wheels falling off would have connected for me either. I would need a more direct sign!

Little Miss Verte

*nods slowly and wisely*

I didn't have an omen on my wedding day, more my Mother pinching my arm and hissing "you are going through with it young lady, you will NOT embarrass me".

So instead I got divorced at a later date.

I do the 'doubting' thing as well. I don't quite believe, I smirk cynically and refuse all attempts at romance, never wishing to allow myself to let go enough to be fooled again. The doubts erode away at the relationship - eventually, driven by the continual comments, quips and disbelief, the chap will just cave in.


I think its only natural to doubt people who you are becoming closer to. The closer i get i feel that i have to be suspicious of ppl and find out whether they are genuine or not. I think its a loss thing with me though, due to my parents.


LMV--Moms. mine most likely thought just the opposite--"Do not marry this smarmy man-child!" but it seems i've trained her too well and she keeps her advice to herself.

Hans--that's damn solid reason to go forth with care.


ooh! ooh! (raising hand, waving wildly) My groom danced with his ex-wife to "May I Have This Dance for The Rest of my Life" at our reception. Talk about omens!


and you didn't kick him to the ground why?


He claimed he wasn't paying attention to the song. Besides, I was still a Midwesterner then. They don't believe in making a scene. They don't even like to be an extra in the scene.

frinds dating

My love got married with my brother now what i do?

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